CS International 2025 Agenda

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Monday 7th April 2025 starting at 18:30 CET
18:30 Pre-conference networking drinks reception
Tuesday 8th April 2025 starting at 08:00 CET
08:00 Registration and welcome refreshments
08:50 Housekeeping by Chris Meadows and Tim Bettles - Conference Chairs
Expanding the emission envelope
09:00 Expanding the Spectral Range of GaN-based SLEDs
Presented by Marco Malinverni - Exalos
09:15 Perfecting GaN VCSEL Production Process
Presented by Tetsuya Takeuchi - Meijo University
09:30 Connected Metrology for Growth and Characterization of InP and GaAs Laser Structures – from Epi to Etch
Presented by Iris Claussen - LayTec AG
09:45 Germanium as an Enabler for Large Volume Production in PV and Photonics
Presented by Ivan Zyulkov - Umicore
10:00 Presentation by Vertilas
Presented by Christian Neumeyr - Vertilas
10:15 The Power of Pseudomorphic Nitrides
Presented by Leo Schowalter - Lit Thinking
10:30 Morning Break
GaN: Going beyond fast charging
11:10 Achieving Avalanche in GaN-on-silicon Diodes
Presented by Farid Medjdoub - University of Lille
11:25 Characterizing GaN: Challenges and Advances in Next-Generation Semiconductor Metrology
Presented by Áron Pekker - Semilab
11:40 X-ray Metrology Solutions for Compound Semiconductors from Labs to Fabs.
Presented by Assunta Vigliante - Rigaku
11:55 AIXTRON Leading Epitaxy Solutions for High Volume Manufacturing of GaN-based Power Devices
Presented by Dr. Nicolas Muesgens - Aixtron
12:10 Enhancing Analytical Accuracy of Active Epilayers in Compound Semiconductors by Multi-ion Species Plasma-FIB and Novel STEM Techniques
Presented by Antonio Mani - Thermo Fisher Scientific
12:25 Presentation by Yole Group
Presented by Ezgi Dogmus - Yole Group
12:40 Lunch Break
14:10 Harnessing the Underestimated Potential of GaN in the Digitalization Revolution: A Catalyst for Unforeseen Innovation in Energy Efficiency
Presented by Roberto Crisafulli - STMicroelectronics
14:25 Epitaxial GaN Growth using MBE for the Development of Next-Generation Devices
Presented by Romain Bruder - Riber
14:40 Presentation by Raith
Presented by Amanda Wscieklica - Raith
14:55 Presentation by Veeco
Presented by Name to be advised - Veeco
15:10 Advancement in X-Ray Metrology for High Volume Manufacturing of GaN Based Power Devices
Presented by Qian Zheng - Bruker
15:25 Afternoon Break
Maintaining momentum for the microLED
16:05 Perfecting the Polychromatic Pixel
Presented by Michelle Chen - Q-Pixel Inc
16:20 MicroSolid Printing: Redefining the Future of MicroLED Displays
Presented by Reza Chaji - Vue Real
16:35 Leveraging NIL for µLED Lens Packaging
Presented by Thomas Achleitner - EV Group
16:50 Presentation by Yole Group
Presented by Raphaël Mermet-Lyaudoz - Yole Group
17:05 Pioneering Mass Production and Commercialisation of MicroLED Microdisplays for AR
Presented by Kunal Kashyap - Porotech
17:20 Revolutionising microLED Displays with Nanowires
Presented by Pierre Tchoulfian - Aledia
17:35 Closing Remarks
18:30 Networking Drinks / Dinner Reception
Wednesday 9th April 2025 starting at 08:00 CET
08:00 Registration and welcome refreshments
08:50 Housekeeping by Chris Meadows and Tim Bettles - Conference Chairs
Optimising opportunities for SiC success
09:00 The Merits of the Merged p-i-n SiC Schottky Diode
Presented by Llewellyn Vaughan-Edmunds - Navitas
09:15 Presentation by Applied Materials
Presented by Name to be advised - Applied Materials
09:30 Building the World's Biggest SiC Fab
Presented by Peter Friedrichs - Infineon
09:45 Integrated Metal Etch and Photoresist Strip Solution for SiC Manufacturing
Presented by Bernhard Hammerl - Siconnex Customized Solutions GmbH
10:00 High Sensitivity & Throughput Defect Inspection Technologies for SiC and GaN Power Technologies
Presented by Mike Rosa - Onto Innovation
10:15 Presentation by SCREEN
Presented by Alessandro Rossi - SCREEN SPE
10:30 Morning Break
11:10 Presentation by Nanotronics
Presented by Name to be advised - Nanotronics
11:25 PVA TePla Metrology Solutions for Compound Semiconductors
Presented by Frédéric Falise - PVA TePla AG, and Michael Schöler - PVA TePla AG
11:40 How Artificial Intelligence Heralds the New Era of Wafering
Presented by Malte Mueller - Lapmaster Wolters
11:55 Crystal Orientation for Optimizing Quality and Yield throughout the Process Chain
Presented by Dirk Kok - Malvern Panalytical
12:10 Presentation by TRUMPF
Presented by Yannick Schneider - TRUMPF
12:25 Lunch Break
Ultra-wide bandgap materials: The ultimate devices Sponsored by Precision Fabricators
13:55 Prospects of (ultra) Wide Bandgap Oxide ICs
Presented by Xiaohang Li - KAUST
14:10 A Solution to Doping AlN Enabling a New Era of Nitride Semiconductors
Presented by Alan Doolittle - Georgia Institute of Technology
14:25 Electric Field Engineering to Unlock the Potential of Gallium Oxide Power Devices
Presented by Nolan Hendricks - AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory)
14:40 Efficient Diameter Enlargement of Bulk AlN
Presented by Carsten Hartmann - Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ)
14:55 The promise of cubic Boron Nitride (c-BN)
Presented by Siddha Pimputkar - Lehigh University
15:10 Expanding the Ultra-Wide Bandgap Portfolio with Transition Metal Nitrides: AlScN and AlYN
Presented by Name to be advised - Fraunhofer IAF
15:25 Closing Remarks
Presentation times and order are subject to change. This agenda was last updated on 19 Feb 2025 at 7:00pm.