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CS International 2024 provides timely, comprehensive coverage of every important sector within the compound semiconductor industry.
The CS International conference will build on the success of its predecessors, with industry-leading insiders delivering more than 30 presentations spanning 5 sectors.
Several great speakers have accepted the invitation to speak at CS International 2024, the must-attend event for the compound semiconductor industry.
Together, the talks detail breakthroughs in device technology; offer insights into the current status and the evolution of compound semiconductor devices; and provide details of advances in tools and processes that will help to drive up fab yields and throughputs.
Attendees at this two-day conference will gain an up-to-date overview of the status of the CS industry, and have opportunities to meet many other key players within this community.
310+ sponsors
3200+ delegates
390+ speakers
350+ hours of learning
350+ hours of networking
125+ months of promotion
550+ promotional emails
380+ social media posts
1,100,000+ website visitors
CS International sponsor's and delegates experience unrivalled networking opportunities with the senior industry leaders within the compound semiconductor industry.
ACS Motion Control | EEMCO GmbH | Meister Abrasives AG | Scantinel Photonics |
Adenso GmbH | Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute - TU/e | Mersen | Schunk Xycarb Technology |
Advanced Energy | Eindhoven University of Technology | Micledi Microdisplays | Scientific |
Advanced Micro Foundry | Eleshop B.V. | MicroAlign | SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions Co., Ltd. |
Aegiq Ltd | Enkris Semiconductors | Microchip Technology Germany GmbH | Yield Engineering Systems (YES) |
Aehr Test Systems GmbH | Enlightra | Microsoft Research | SENTECH Instruments GmbH |
tektronix | Enlightra Sàrl | Microtron NV | Self |
AEM - Afore Oy | EPC | MinDCet NV | Semilab |
AIXEMTEC GMBH | Etteplan | Mitsubishi Chemical | Semitronics |
AIXTRON | Eurofins EAG Laboratories | Morgan Advanced Materials | Semsysco GmbH |
Alcyon Photonics | European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) | Nanoscribe | Sensitec GmbH |
Aledia | EV Group | Nanotronics | SET |
Alight Technologies ApS | Fathom Radiant | Veeco | SGL Carbon |
ALLOS Semiconductors GmbH | FEMTOprint SA | NAsP III/V GmbH | SICC |
ALMAE TECHNOLOGIES | Femtum | National Physical Laboratory | Wave Photonics |
Alter Technology | FerroTec | National Research Council | Siconnex |
Ametek BV - Navitar | ficonTEC | Navitas | SiConTec |
ams-OSRAM International GmbH | Fluke Process Instruments | NewPhotonics Ltd | Siglent Technologies Germany GmbH |
Rapid Photonics | Forge Nano | Nexperia | Silanna Semiconductor |
Soitec | FormFactor | nextnano Gmbh | Silanna UV |
Annealsys | Fraunhofer HHI | Nokia | SilOrix |
Ansys | Fraunhofer IAF | Nouryon | Siltronic AG |
Kitec | Fraunhofer IISB | Novel Crystal Technology | Silvaco |
Lightwave Logic | Fraunhofer IZM | Novophotonics Consulting | Simple Photonics |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | University of Cambridge | NRNU MIPhI | Sistem Technology Limited |
Antwerp Space | Faculty of Sciences of Monastir | Omdia | Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology |
Applied Materials | Free Space - Neuruno - Glass-Imaging | Ommatidia LiDAR | Yole Group |
AquiSales | Freiberger Compound Materials GmbH | ON Semi | Solid State AI |
ASM | FTMC | Onto Innovation | PPM Power |
AUCCEPT Consulting GmbH | Furukawa Electric | OPTICA | Onsemi |
Averna | G&H | NAMICS Europe GmbH | SPM AG |
DECTRIS Ltd. | Gain Semitec CO., LTD. | OPTICS11 FAZ LIMITED | Star Photonics |
Element3-5 GmbH | Gallium Semiconductor | Optim Wafer Services | STI France |
Axetris AG | Gencoa Ltd | Optiwave Systems Inc. | STMicroelectronics |
Axithra | GlobalFoundries | ORC, University of Southampton | STR |
AXT | Hamamatsu | Oxford Instruments | Strategic Semiconductors |
Baillie Gifford | Hardinge | Oxford Ionics | SUMCO Europe |
Bay Photonics Ltd | Helbling Technik Bern AG | PALL Gmbh | SÜSS MicroOptics |
Luceda Photonics | Heraeus | Panasonic | Sylex |
BECQSPACE | Hesse GmbH | SMART Photonics | Quintessent |
Dust Photonics | Hewlett Packard Enterprise | Panasonic Connect | Taiyo Nippon Sanso |
BelGan | Hitachi Hightech Europe GmbH | Panasonic Industrial Devices Materials Europe GmbH | Teikoku Taping System Inc |
Beneq | htt Group | Personal | TELECOM Paris |
Bifrost Communications Aps | Huawei | Pfeiffer Vacuum | Teledyne |
BOM | ICON Photonics | Philips MEMS Foundry | IBM |
Boschman Advanced Packaging Technology | Shell | PHIX Photonics Assembly | Tempress Systems |
Bright Photonics | IHP | Photon Design Ltd | Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG |
Bristol University | III/V-Reclaim | PHOTON IP | The Gate-TUe |
Brooks Automation | imec | PhotonDelta | The Spark |
Bruker | UnitySC | Photonfirst | ThinkMade |
C & D Semiconductor | IMS | Photonic Integration Technology Center – JePPIX | TNO |
Cadence | Incize | Synopsys | TOMOE Advanced Materials s.r.o. |
Caliopa/Huawei | Infineon | PhotonicsNL | TOPTICA Photonics AG |
Cambridge Consultants Ltd | Infinera | PHOTONIP | Tower Semiconductor |
Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre | Aerotech | PhotonPath | Transphorm |
Carl Zeiss AG | Infinite - Ansys Partner | PhotonX Networks | TriEye |
Center For Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) | InnoLight Technology (Suzhou) Ltd., | Physik Instrumente (PI) | TRUMPF Hüttinger |
centrotherm international AG | Innolume GmbH. | James Watt Nanofabrication Centre, University of Glasgow | Trymax |
Ciena | Innoscience Europe BV | PICadvanced | TTC GmbH |
Cimetrix by PDF Solutions | Attolight | Picosun | UGent/Imec |
Cisco | INRiM (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica) | PITC | UKRI - STFC |
CISM - Swansea University | Intelligent Epitaxy Technology, Inc. (on behalf of Riber) | PM² Photonics | ULVAC GmbH |
CISSOID | INTENGENT, INC | Pointcloud Inc/GmbH | Umicore |
CITC | Inxun Technology | Polariton Technologies AG | Bosch Sensortec |
Clas-Sic | Ipswich Research Centre, Huawei UK | Polyn Technology Ltd | United Monolithic Semiconductors |
CNRS-CRHEA | ipTEST Limited | Porotech | Universitat Politècnica de València |
Coherent Corp. | IQE plc | Precision Fabricators | University College London |
Commscope | ISP System | PROTEX INTERNATIONAL | University Gent |
Compound Semiconductor Centre | JEMA s.a. | PureOn | University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) |
CORNERSTONE | Jenoptik Optical Systems GmbH | Q.ANT | University of Glasgow |
Corning | JSR Micro NV | Qt Company | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
CS CLEAN SOLUTIONS GmbH | JTA Equipment Technology | Qt.io | University of Vigo |
CSconnected | JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation Frankfurt Office | Quantinuum | UPVFab - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia |
Evatec | Keysight Technologies | Quantum Dice | Vacom BV |
CVD Equipment Corporation | KLA Corporation | Quantum Source Labs | Vanguard Automation |
Cyberoptics | KnowMade | Queen Mary University of London | Vario-optics |
Delft University of Technology | Kramski GmbH | Quside Technologies | Veonis Technologies |
DEMCON | Kyma Technologies | QustomDot BV | Vertilas |
Denso automotive Deutschland Gmbh | Lam Research Corporation | Raith Inc. | Vistec Electron Beam |
Dimione Systems | Lapmaster Wolters | Rena Technologies Gmbh | Vital Materials |
DISCO HI-TEC EUROPE GmbH | LayTec AG | Resolute Photonics | VLC Photonics SL |
DM Tech Sales | Leonardo | REVASUM | Voyant Photonics |
EAGLEYARD Photonics GmbH | Łukasiewicz - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics | Riber | Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Easygan SAS | Lumentum | VPIphotonics | VTI Aero |
EazyWorks Inc. | Lumiphase | Rigaku | VTT |
EDA Solutions | LUNA Innovations | ROARTIS | Welsh Government |
Liehr Consulting | M.E. SCHUPP Industriekeramik GmbH | ROHM Semiconductor | Wise Integration |
LIGENTEC | MalvernPanalytical | S3 Alliance GmbH | Wolfspeed |
Lightelligence | Marelli Electric Powertrain | Saint-Gobain Surface Conditioning | XFAB AG |
LioniX International | Masimo Semiconductor | Santec Corporation | Zero Point Motion |
Technology Manager, Compound Photonics UK
Principal Engineer, NXP
Managing Partner, Linx Consulting
Vice President, Sumika