Dr. Romain Bruder received his MSci degree in Instrumentation from University of Lille, France, and Ph.D in Physical Chemistry from Paris VI University, France in 2005. After an early career focused on spectroscopy solutions, he joined the MBE equipment manufacturer Riber in 2015 as a sales manager to cover Molecular Beam Epitaxy portfolio in the EMEA area. In 2018, he then focused on MBE Components, by joining Riber’s Product management team, where he took parts in the development of MBE sources dedicated for production and in situ optical instrumentation for process monitoring.
Gallium Nitride (GaN) is a wide-bandgap semiconductor with exceptional properties, making it an ideal material for the new generation of optoelectronic and electronic devices such as UV LEDs, micro-LEDs, and RF components. Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) has proven to be an effective method for growing high-quality III-Nitride epilayers due to its precise control over layer thickness, composition, purity and low growth temperature. This abstract explores the emerging growth opportunities for Nitride MBE production Machines, with a particular focus on the competitive advantages it offers in the development of next generation’s devices, driving the future of optoelectronic and electronic technologies.