Dr Yves Lacroix is a physicist-inventor turned entrepreneur currently managing three technology related companies in Japan. The first venture, now YSystems Ltd. was started in 2001 while he was doing research on blue laser diodes and ultra-violet LEDs at the University of Tokushima. One of the first researchers to succeed in making a GaN based structure lase at the time, he still believes good metrology is the key to progress in any development. He obtained his Ph.D. in physics from Simon Fraser University in Canada where he designed and built the (probably still) only existing fully cryogenically cooled Michelson Interferometer
Need to measure a deep UV LED, a mid infrared detector structure? Gone are the days when you needed to decide which detector, which optical grating, what wavelengths to scan in order to measure an optical spectrum. Compound semiconductors now span a range of wavelengths far beyond the capabilities of a single detector technology. So the solution? Use them all at once. The automated merging of spectral information obtained from Si and InGaAs detectors was mentioned at this event in 2021 as one of our on-going developments. Now that it is a standard feature, we are working on a new challenge: Spectral measurement from 200 nm to 5 um! We look at the latest technologies and tricks behind the scene that make this possible.